Friday, February 25, 2011

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh suzannaaa

god that banjo babe really is such a babe, i hope he likes my note (in the future when he gets it) and i hope dorian is really friends with him


i just got a really weird feeling in my stomach thinking about how this is my home now, and how many people i know here and friends i have, and things i've done, jobs i've had, and how my new job is only the beginning of my new york hairstylist career, and how there's more friends here than in all of ohio, and it's very very weird. just weird. i guess that kinda means i'm home. new york is my home! a year and a half, sheesh. i feel very very content these days.

Monday, February 14, 2011

just saying

i hope my roommates get flowers from their boyfriends so i can enjoy them!!!! cmmmmmonnnnnnnnnnnnn ryan and eugene, i know you have it in you. happy valentine's day world, got to admit i'm having a damn good day.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


really truly appalled at my inability to keep delicious beverages flowing at my place of residence. of course i am talking non-alcoholic.


at least its not february 1st anymore. PART OF THE WORST MONTH OF THE YEAR IS OVER. love, me, the genius