Wednesday, November 17, 2010


this is my myspace interest from probably 3 or more years ago:

"kittens, cats, especially big fluffy lapcats, puppies, tiny songbirds, feathers, diet coke, black, ummmmm dirty chai tea lattes, my good good friends, pretending i'm going to move to new york, raspberry margaritas, crying, reading, gushing over models, long soft hair, the 4th of july, nostalgia, family, fresh flowers, chips and dips, instruments i'll never learn, candles and fire, cupcakes, mostly being quiet, spontaneity, old photos, old anything, new anything, themed parties, throwing parties (not currently possible), and getting through today"

i'm basically still the same except i don't pretend to move to new york anymore, throwing parties IS possible, ummm, and dirty chai tea lattes are like way way too sweet for me anymore. and i don't drink diet pop.

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